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6 questions about shoes!

The foot grows very well and effortlessly, and it’s not a problem, and most of the foot problems are due to their shoe type.1. Is leather the best sex?The best sex is for shoes, leather. In leather shoes, the leg feels less sweaty. Shoes that are made of plastic or even fabric, if they are well-known brands, are not suitable. Because it’s hard to clean up and do not feel comfortable in the legs.2. High heel lift low back?It is better to have a shoe 1 to 2 cm in size, but wearing this kind of shoes will cause the footprint and increase the chance of twist. There is a possibility of bad legging. One of the causes of throat deviation, bulging bone, riding fingers, and … can be wearing bad shoes and heels. It is more important that wearing heeled shoes increases the risk of arthritis in the knee joint.3. Is it better for children to wear footwear or without shank?When she does not wear a child’s shoe, she tries to keep her more balanced, and thus her muscles become stronger, and her chances of overcoming her balance will diminish as she wakes up and wings. If the shoes are always on the foot of a child, they do not learn the balance of time.It can be said that, as a child does not sleep to the ground, he does not learn, so that he can not wear a simple shoe, he will not learn to balance when he is last! On the other hand, when the baby’s foot bangs, an extra force is applied to it and it can not maintain its balance.Now, if we make a shoe for our child, this extra force will come into his knee and in the long run there may be much larger problems for his knees. If the simple shoe is at the bottom of the baby, it may be able to maintain its balance in any way, and will not damage the wrist or knees.4. Does not the shoes leave?Be sure to tell the seller when you buy shoes that the shoes are tight and that the wearer will claim that the shoes will open after a while. Do not forget There is no justification for opening shoes and shoes should be comfortable from your first day from the very first day. Because after a while your foot and foot reach the balance, your leg can change and shape the shoe. The shoe is suitable for a shoe that is exactly the size of the foot and does not change after a while.5. Barefoots are getting older sooner?Research has shown that the more babies stay barefooted, the sooner they go! Even a lot of experts say that children who travel are required to wear shoes just outdoors and also to protect their legs. It may be interesting for you to know. Recently, researchers have studied tribes in India, in which people do not wear shoes until the age of 17 or even age 20, and it has been proven that foot problems such as flat feet or foot deformities are very much Less than the Americans or Europeans, who make shoes too young. According to the results of the study, the experts said that the legs are growing very well and painlessly, and there is no problem with it, and most of the problems with the foot in children are due to their type of shoe.6- Is it recommended to wear sandals?It does not seem that wearing such shoes is a disadvantage, but it’s important to note two things: first, sometimes sandals without socks cause scratching of the foot due to collisions with the ground and pebbles; and secondly, the possibility of licking the feet when wearing sandals with socks, It’s more than when you wear sneakers with socks.

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